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Common Google Meet Hardware Error Codes and How to Fix Them

Whilst these are rare, you may encounter certain error codes when setting up or using Google Meet Hardware. These are stylised as “ERROR_00X” and are typically quick and painless to resolve. These error codes are visible in the lower-right corner of your meeting room TV and/or, if your meeting room has one, the lower-right corner of the touch controller.

Here are the most common error codes, what they mean, and how to fix them.


This error code can present during enrolment or during normal use. It typically indicates a network connectivity issue.

The first step in resolving ERROR_003 is to check your device’s connection, whether that be Ethernet or WiFi. If possible, connect the device to a different Ethernet network and see if the problem goes away.

If the error code persists after checking or making changes to the network, the next step is to wipe the device.


This error code is typically temporary. Try rebooting the device.

If the error code persists after a few reboots, wipe the device.


This error code only ever presents during enrolment of the device and should never occur during normal use. It relates to the OS version of the device and there are two solutions:

  • Leave the device on the error page for fifteen minutes. The device is updating itself in the background. After fifteen minutes have elapsed, reboot the device and try enrolling it again.
  • Wipe the device. This applies the latest update to the device and you will be able to enrol it.

Further details about ERROR_005 can be found here.

Instructions for wiping Google Meet Hardware

Wiping your Google Meet Hardware is a process that resets the device to its original factory state. No Google Meet data is lost, and the wipe and re-enrolment process will restore the device to its previous working state in 15 to 20 minutes.

Following these steps requires another device (e.g. a laptop or desktop computer) running the Chrome browser, a paperclip and about 15 minutes of your time.

Follow Google’s instructions below for:

Other error messages

Meet couldn't start

This error message may be followed by either of the following:

  • Meet couldn't start. Restart the device. If Meet still doesn't start, contact your organization's support team.
  • Meet couldn't start. Check that the TV monitor is turned on and the video cable is securely fastened at both ends, then restart this device. If you see this message again, contact your organisation's support team.

In both cases, the error message typically relates to the meeting room's TV being disconnected, connected incorrectly or turned off. Check the following:

  • That the HDMI cable from the Compute System is connected to an HDMI input on the TV.
  • That the TV is turned on and set to the correct input corresponding to Google Meet Hardware.
  • If the room has a touch panel with an HDMI cable – make sure that the HDMI cable is not connected from the touch panel to the Compute System.
You do not have enough software licenses to enroll this device.

The full error message reads:

  • You do not have enough software licenses to enroll this device. Please contact sales to purchase more. If you believe you're seeing this message in error, please contact support.

As indicated by the error message, the device believes there are not enough licences to complete enrolment. Whether you need new licences to enrol your devices, or if you believe you should have licences and are seeing this message in error, contact us to discuss options: info@GeckoTech.cloud.

An administrator with billing management privileges must first accept the Google Meet Hardware Terms of Service in the Google Meet Hardware section of the Admin console.

If you have admin privileges, you can go to the admin panel where you will be prompted to accept the terms of service. Once the terms have been accepted, you can return to the device to complete the enrolment steps.

Contact us for further assistance

Any questions? Send us an email at info@GeckoTech.cloud and we’d be happy to assist.